
A.R.E. You Ready? Part Three

A.R.E. You Ready? Part Three

We’ve previously explored two parts of our question A.R.E. You Ready?  If you missed either of them, click here for our discussion of Accept and Allow and click here for our discussion on Receive and Release. The third and perhaps the most significant part is Embrace and Embody.  What I mean by this is after you accept and allow the absolute perfection of who you are, receive into your life what serves you after releasing what does not, you are now ready to embrace the life you were meant to live and embody your true essence.

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. ~ Alan Cohen

It’s nice to just embrace the natural beauty within you. ~ Victoria Justice

What perfect quotes!  To embrace what may be new to you yet always existed within can take place when you release what is no longer meaningful however familiar and secure that may be.  It takes courage to let go of people, places and things which may have been significant in your life that you now realize does not support the truth of who you are.  When you are able to do so, you are ready to embrace the natural beauty that lies within you.

Yes Balloons From Computer Show Approval And Support MessageFor at some point, each of us will be asked to embody what we feel and know. ~ Chang Rae-Lee

The definition of embody is to be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to an idea, quality, or feeling. What this means is to allow the outer world to see what you have embraced within as the truth of who you really are.  Let’s look at this another way:  When you embrace the fact that you are amazing exactly the way you are, the perfect essence of beauty is now embraced within you.  It was always there and now you realize it.  When this is reflected in your actions, it is seen by everyone and everything you come in contact with.  This expression in the outer of what is now known and embraced within is called embodiment. What you now embrace and embody will manifest itself in the world around you which can attract into your life that which supports you.  You are embodying what you accept as your truth within.  This is the cycle of life.  So A.R.E you ready?  You betcha!

If you would like to explore what may be holding you back from a life filled with more happiness, joy and peace, please schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session with me with my online calendar.  I invite you to download my free eBook on how to navigate through conflict as a gift to you.  Click on “Moving Consciously Through Conflict” and begin your path to move from the inner pain of conflict to the inner and outer peace that awaits you.

!n-joy!  Namaste

Anthony Diaz RScP
The Peacemaker
Guiding Others from Pain to Peace
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