
Reflection on Your Direction

This time of the year is when I pause and allow myself a period of introspection…going within to review the past year and looking ahead at the year before me. I can tell when it’s getting close…My body tends to want to slow down, I am more thoughtful and become very aware of what I am feeling. This process is a part of my New Year reflection on my direction.

This past year has been of the most trying yet most satisfying periods of my life. My relationship changed as I went through a divorce; I moved to the beach while calming and healing was a place I knew no one and became used to spending time alone.  I had some other personal challenges that rocked me to my core.  It forced me to shed old beliefs that had seemed to fit me like a glove.  These losses allowed space for new and exciting things to appear.  I embraced this new direction after grieving what I needed to release knowing this was what my body and soul needed.

As you navigate through this busy beginning of the new year, I encourage you to take time to look back on last year with reflection. Block out space in your calendar to just be.  Allow your Spirit to celebrate the year…the challenges you overcome, the difficult decisions you faced and the areas in your life that need more attention. As you reflect on the year that was, it’s an amazing opportunity to envision the direction of the life you desire.  The beauty of this thing called Life is that we get to interlock the puzzle pieces which design the tapestry of what’s before us. Take out the brushes, break out the paint and begin creating the picture of the New Year.  If not now, when…If not you, who?

Music to Reflections of Passion

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